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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Wednesday 16 November 2011


Every day that I wake up and eyeball the horizon and I can't see beyond the houses due to the fact that fog or mist has seemingly erased the sky, I sigh. There will be little to see worth a word on these posts, nothing photogenic to capture on my memory  card (we used to call it film before digital) and once more into the murky mist. But, we head off for the daft dog to work off pent up energy & me getting wet yet again ."Ground Sog Day"
But before you go thinking Dafad is dumped in the doldrums, again ... I was reminded only this morning of something a dear friend once told me about suffering with depression ...
"No matter what happens, at the end of every day, I try and find at least one tiny thing that made me smile, even if it's just a single raindrop on a rose. I write it down and when I look back at my notebook, I find that actually the days were not as blank as I thought they had been"
As I drove past a tree that I have seen so many times, the blank backdrop had highlighted all the different angles of fence, gate and wall, in a way that I hadn't really noticed before. But above the mountain gate, the atmosphere was different, ground hugging moist mist and the temperature, hand numbingly cold. Such contrast to yesterday's warm  forestry.
Walking just off the road where the hard core had scattered along the edges, little wet objects gleamed. These are not stones but waste from the smelting process. I see such as these often in so many of the local vehicle access tracks, and there are all ranges of colours from dull grey, ochre, to rusty or carnelian red, but these little blue beauties shone
And being so focused on things at ground level one also notices other bright objects ...
O.K, that's enough feeling blue about the weather today, on to even brighter moments
that as the net curtained mist was drawn upwards into the above, showed me these ...
below this lovely lichen encrusted hawthorn branch, a stray bramble leaf in beech litter
but the star of this mornings show ... a deeply dew-jewelled dandelion head gone to seed
Which is what reminded me of a dear old friend who's spirit lives on.

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