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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Saturday 2 June 2012


Hello folks, apologies for the lack of Dafad's input, but due to something nationwide here, things have been a bit hectic. Now ... aside from the Queen's 60'th celebrations, nature has sprung into action.After all those weeks of rain, a warm spell has seen a real burst of new growth. Now, these next two photo's are taken from the same spot, one looking up ... 
<<< where suddenly the beech trees are providing shade as we head up the mountain road. After months of bare branches this is a welcome reprieve from the austere, skeletal view of leafless branches. Suddenly there is shade under the fresh green leaves and ... in the recent hot weather, this has been a bonus. After all the days of rain and cold temperatures it seemed that Spring was waiting in the wings to go on  stage. Suddenly the green leafing and white floral displays were everywhere. The hawthorn trees suddenly burst with flowering frothiness like freshly squeeze milk they bubbled up .
Where all had been green and serene the trees were flowering, not just the hawthorn but the elderberry trees too were joining in the new flowering. Thoughts of preparing for elderflower fizz and later wine ... came to mind. But this last week of over-hot weather saw the florets quickly go over . Now we are due yet another temperature change as ... yep, back comes the rain! 

Just in time to ruin the weekends Jubilee celebrations, things may yet change again  but as always, there is something to to give you hope for the heart.

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