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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Today started sunny and bright and after a night of a streaming nose and blocked sinuses (yes Dafad has a quite drizzly head cold) it was quite good to get out for a brief walk with the dog and get fresh air as a change from the smell of Olbas Oil. Wonderful stuff ... but the scents of moorland after a nights rain is really wonderful. The skies were bright, and water in hollows everywhere.
These vehicle tracks across the commons were freshly flooded and reflecting the blue and white sky perfectly.
Mind you, good job I'd donned wellies, the tracks were muddy and all the sphagnum moss areas were like bright green, super soaked sponges, not that the crazy canine minded at all. He ... was in his element splashing around in all the peat coloured water and fresh moss lined puddles. Above us, the skylarks were trilling their courtship calls and all a round us, new growth was starting to emerge from the bleakness of long winter and cold spring days.
In the puddles in the vehicle tracks, there were hundreds of tadpoles madly dashing about. The sad thing is that these tracks soon dry out and leave the future frogs without much water to live in and so few will survive the next long dry spell, though that won't be quite yet according to the weather forecast for the weeks ahead. Yes it's that subject of weather again!
Then ... just as I thought we would get back to the car, nice and dry for a change, the sky started  to very gently send more drops, steadily downwards onto us! Good job I had my wellies & waterproofs on ... just in case.
But to cheer up my day, it amused me that for one tiny footballer it wasn't only rain that had stopped play. Abandoned Subuteo man > had been left on his own, but oddly enough no signs of the rest of the team? Why, I wondered, had the fly tippers not dumped the whole lot? But even stranger was my next fly tipped find ... now this one I really did feel sorry for ... all that water surrounding him and no ship to sail in ...  
"Avast me hearties, I'll be turnin' into a land lubber and havin' me adventures yet, just watch this blog space you may see me again!"
And somewhere there are some Fenland dumped ducks to join in the fun ... soon ...

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