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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Thursday 6 December 2012


I awoke this morning aware of much coldness, clinging to the last vestiges of warmth from the hot water bottle, I stayed duvet diving for as long as possible. Outside was quiet.
No wonder, when I looked out of the window there was a light sprinkling of yes ... snow!
Just a sort of dusting of icing sugar on a mince pie type of snow but enough to colour the morning with whiteness under the, yes grey sky up above. Rain was forecast for nearly all of today and quite heavy at that, but that didn't really materialise, just an all day greyness. The kind of day when one stays indoors attending to some of the more boring chores. As for the rest of the U.K it varies with temperatures hovering just above or below zero though for the western side of Scotland it seems they are in for a heavy dose of snow.
Anyway, I pottered and procrastinated today as to which of those boring chores needed the most attention and basically achieved very little due to diversionary tactics such as writing emails to friends and family, googling more interesting subjects than hoovering!
Finally just before "sunset time" and during a break in the rain, we went out and about.
Hhmmm ... 
The above was today's sunset and no ... that is not the sun but a street light warming up to illuminate the darkness of the night.
Meanwhile back to emails. Now two days ago I mentioned in my post a problem with customer service on eBay. Having failed to solve a problem I got an email with "Please fill in this customer service questionnaire ." I did, made my dissatisfaction fairly clear and waited for, because, quote "Your custom is important to us." a personalised reply. I got an email from eBAy today  ... wait for it ...  an apology? An explanation? No ... this .
" Save up to 50% on great gifts ... don't miss this week's deals"
Am I satisfied customer? Am I happy with their personalised service? Answer, simply put ... NO!  So ... under now dark grey, well, more truthfully black skies I shall say goodnight.

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