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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Monday 24 December 2012


Yes folks ... Moose Eve as in Ex Moose Eve, a long standing joke between friends. The characters in this alternative Festive season are Chris Moose and Fez Divity. I'm still stuck here in Wales where the sheep are being given extra feed as the ewes are hopefully "with child" and due to the inclement weather, getting extra feed, it's not snowy, just muddy!
Yesterday was reasonably mild, considering it was the 23rd of December, normally snowy on our mountain at this time of year,  sun was to be glimpsed amongst grey clouds.
Today, after strong winds all through the night it, yes rained all day, yet again! I just about managed to half pack the car ready for the journey up to Fenland, the plan being that just like last year, the roads will be amazingly clear and so an easy run tomorrow.
Once there, hopefully my recalcitrant old Rover will be parked next to a Volvo that also being elderly, behaves perfectly and even her exterior paintwork puts mine to shame ...
even though the Volvo is three years younger than my menopausal, moody motor.
Next news will come from Fenland.

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