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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Last night as I sat here writing, the lights started to flicker and dim and the email I was composing just disappeared! Even the street lights were spasmodic, so in the interests of safety, I turned everything off and went duvet diving, listening to the rain batter the house. Now, sat here at the "pooter" there is thunder rumbling as if  Thor has had a very hot curry and is suffering the consequences. All in all, the weather is misbehaving badly!
But ...
the day hasn't all been doom and gloom and we ventured out in a dry spell, for a while.
This was the scene as we parked up. Moody skies but sunlit and mostly bright views.
But in the west, a change was looming and as the sun, like a search light, lit up the valleys it also cast coal dark shadows, making the areas of forestry look like giant slag heaps.
A threatening front was heading our way and I was all too aware of the breeze on my cheeks as the forefront of the storm loomed in the distance and moving fast towards us. But one thing I noticed ... along this ancient boundary, now modernly fenced, the many old hawthorn trees were totally bare of berries. If we have a harsh winter, the birds will suffer. We headed back towards the car, just a short distance away and reached it only just in time, as we closed the doors the squall hit us with some force and the car rocked with the wind and got well and truly water splattered.
The above was taken from inside the car, looking out of the passenger side window being battered with rain and the one below was taken from the drivers side ... where it was dry!
The really strange thing was ...I don't know where the rain went. It just seemed to stop right where we were parked. But as the battering stopped and the rain dried away ...
a double rainbow appeared in the sky. Braving the wind I got out of the car for this ...
a beautiful arc of colour, right over The Gilfach farm. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time. All too soon it had dissipated leaving rain and wind swept land behind.

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