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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Tuesday 3 July 2012


<<< This was one of the sights that greeted me today. The moisture loving grasses growing tall, almost hiding the gravestones and the old church shrouded in "mizzle".
That's my word for miserable drizzle, there are others too, like "drizzmal" It wasn't until nearly lunchtime that there was a break in the rain enough to briefly trog  the dog. But we still got very wet!
Visibility, literally was no more than a mere small field away, as low-lighted here >>>
Now this particular field has been left after some intensive sheep grazing, to become an area for hay harvesting, but the weather has had other ideas and a closer look at the grasses will reveal why, because the wind has been mischievous  and flattened great swathes of tall grasses.
 If ... the weather improves, then a field like this may recover, but with the forecast for the rest of the week ahead, this seems a little unlikely, but there may be a small chance.
The same applies to these bedraggled elder flowers. To be of any use they need to be gathered on a dry "summer" morning when their natural yeast content is at its highest. They make a wonderful summer drink ... "Elderflower fizz" (non alcholic) or a beautiful light, fragrant wine. If ... we get the chance, I will post a recipe, here's hoping for better days ahead.
But meanwhile the rain seems to be clinging to the newly Hammerited gates, at least the rust factor is lower now they have their new coat of shiny black Hammerite, but everything one touches at the moment is soaked in raindrop. We come back and hang up our soaking gear, barely dried before we're out again. But ... there are always lighter moments to brighten the day.
This eight petalled bramble flower, looking like some multi-propeller, may as yet ... 
become a blackberry worth eating!

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