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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Monday 19 August 2013


Today started fairly bright but rather late, with the sound of the birds in the trees all around the garden, the cockerel (named Basil) next door and the bleating of nearby sheep.
It's the kind of start to the day that, no matter how creaky and stiff and sore one is, getting up holds pleasures in store for the day ahead and somehow that makes things O.K.
<<< The daft dog seemed eager to see the sheep in the apple orchard not having quite worked out that they are only let in there in the heat of the day to give them shade. They have become quite a trio as you will see.
I had paperwork to do today, not the most pleasant of chores but needs must as the devil drives, to use an old saying. Then also later in the day there was shopping, another chore I don't particularly enjoy, but having parked up, I took the scenic route via St Andrew's Church. It is a lovely old building and has been a place of worship for more than 800 years. It looked mellow and serene in the glancing afternoon sun. A place of peace and quiet escapism.
Inside it was blissfully cool after the external heat of the day and luckily empty of visitors .
Time for some reflective contemplation and a need to think back over these last few very hectic, tiring and emotional months. This lovely window especially caught my eye >>>
I hope the answer is "Ye shall reap what you sow." and that the doves of peace will settle in relaxed harmony. Where my future leads me I have no idea but I just pray that all this will be resolved in a nice way and that whatever lies ahead of me will see a situation of harmony and fruitfulness in the harvest of my life.
I walked back out into the sunshine feeling more at ease with the world and able to enjoy the rest of the day in an easy and relaxed way.
Back home and shopping unpacked, it was lovely to look through the workroom window as I got on with some much needed paperwork. Looking past the sunflowers to the apple orchard I could see two very happy ewes munching on the fallen fruit. They are much better than a lawnmower as they eat the fruit whole, there was not an apple to be seen in the grass which looked almost mower manicured. Brilliant!

I shall be quite sad to see them go, when they have done the work they are here to do and the pair of them are working hard. In the veg garden one can clearly see the height that they clear the weeds to ... just look at the creeper remaining above the clear brickwork!

They also seemed pleased to see me and became quite vociferous, though that could simply be that they anticipated  the promise of a handful of  fresh crunchy ewe nuts!
And not just two but three ... the daft dog was eating the ones that fell to to the ground!
No matter what happens in the future, I will be able to look back at sun filled happy days when I will have done my best to sort out my folks estate to the very best of my abilities.
As for the future who knows. Another road to travel maybe, we shall see.

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