In my last post "AFTER THE RAIN" I ended with the somewhat quippy comment that all I needed was a few sheep to clear the weeds in the veg garden. Dafad here has been missing the sheep back in Wales and has also missed out on this years lambing, shearing and sheep dog trials. and with the mainly arable acres of land,, there's not many wooly backs here.

So ... Dafad here had asked for help, which as promised would arrive today, but it needed a little preparation before the temporary work force arrived ... >>>
An old hay rack was attached to the side of the end compost heap and plenty of water to drink given these long hot summer days.
Nearly everything was in place for my new lodgers, then they arrived and got straight to work!
<<< These are Charolais crosses, though crossed with what the owner does not know but they travelled a very short distance to be here (from just across the back lane) and bless them, settled in quickly, nibbling away at unwanted weeds and even bless them "pruning" the lower levels of the trees, so easier to get the mower under! They have not even been here a full day yet, but have settled in quickly and peacefully. The mad mutt is very used to sheep but more the free ranging Welsh kind. These however, were fascinated by him ... though he found these friendly ovines rather daunting, but ... was as good as gold with them both.
After they had settled in to what will be their main temporary home, the veg garden, I then let them through to the orchard and the sweeter apples which they happily munched.
They have also done a good job of munching weeds as well as denuding the lower branches of apple trees and shrubs of leaves, which will make future pruning a lot easier.
So ... both my new "under gardeners" are working hard for their keep and deserve fresh hay, which I bought today as well as a bag of ewe nuts, just to keep them tame & sweet!
To my amazement, guess who loves eating ewe nuts ...? Yes that mad mutt of mine!
They have also done a good job of munching weeds as well as denuding the lower branches of apple trees and shrubs of leaves, which will make future pruning a lot easier.
So ... both my new "under gardeners" are working hard for their keep and deserve fresh hay, which I bought today as well as a bag of ewe nuts, just to keep them tame & sweet!
To my amazement, guess who loves eating ewe nuts ...? Yes that mad mutt of mine!
What a bloomin' trio!
As the sun set in the west, the two ewes relaxed in the evening sunshine of the orchard.
A sun smiley, happy day on a farm that used to keep pigs and chickens.
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