It was strange, but rather lovely, to wake up this morning and to hear sheep bleating so close to my bedroom window. However, it is a lovely way to start the day and this being a weekend which are my chill out and just potter days, I had a whole sunny day to amble.
My two under gardeners were already busy at work munching their way through weeds and looking back as if to say "See ... we've already cleared that end of the veg garden!"
"And now we're going to be working from this end and may meet in the middle."
Today was another hot sunny one with very little cooling breeze, as I pottered slowly about getting some more small chores done, I left the "ladies that munch" to their work.
But is got so hot that even they decided to give munch mowing a break and found shelter in the apple orchard, they looked so relaxed in the shadows of the lovely old apple trees.
"Hey we've worked hard all morning, we deserve a break in the apple shade!"
It amuses me that they strip the leaves, but leave the apples still clinging tightly on ...
and I loved the image of these three fruit dangling above her head. Now I have been loathe to give either of them names as they are only on loan for purpose, but they have very distinctly different characters.
<<< This one is quite clearly more subservient to the other and quite shy, but likes eating fallen apples, so ... for the sake of easy identification she has a temporary name. And what better than that of a good cooker, that makes excellent apple sauce to go with lamb, so she is now called Bramley!

Now, some may be wondering why she has so much fleece, especially this late in the year and with all this heat. It is simply because the owners shearing tools broke down and we may need to hand clip her. Certainly that extra fleece is a magnet for burrs and goose-grass seeds and cannot be at all comfortable, so that is why they are let into the apple orchard in the heat of the day. Hopefully soon she'll be free of all that extra wool weight and feel a lot more at ease. Meanwhile Dafad here had been struggling mowing the large lawn that looked more like a hay meadow. Though wonderful for insects it had become too long and weedy.
<<< The weather vane, hardly moved today, which by the way is not correctly attuned to the right direction in fact to the opposite poles (blame the idiot that put it up there) yep Dafad failed to work that obvious rotation out! Come the early evening, both the daft dog and I were just happy to sit in the last of the sun and relax.
Then later, just as I was securing the house for the evening, I spotted a fast moving critter leaping about on the telegraph lines ... as Rolf Harris would say "Have you guessed what it is yet?" Well ... I will tell you about the very opportunist squirrels here on another day but they are certainly intelligent creatures it's just a shame they are the grey imported variety, not our wonderful native red squirrels.
And that folks is all for today, a very tiring but fun filled day. Goodnight all.
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