As readers of my blog will know, I have had two under gardeners "working" in the garden here and they did a really good job of pruning the apple trees (to ewe head height) they also gratefully ate all the fallen apples. Now the ladies that munched have gone, the fruit on the grass are mainly eaten by wasps and I am not joking when I tell you that there are hundreds of them all getting rather inebriated!
I guess it's a bit like us drinking early pressed cider. The more you drink (Or as in the wasps case eat) the more sozzled you get! Now, the apples here are falling off the trees faster than one can eat so they were getting gathered in a wheelbarrow ...

along with various other things like weeds, past the use by date bread ... all of which was destined for the compost heap! However ... just down from here, where I borrowed the two ewes there were other eagerly ready recipients willing to eat the produce from this garden.
so, from opine to porcine, this wheelbarrow full of over ripe fruit took a very short journey ... and ended up being munched and scrunched by some very willing animals ... Saddle Backed pigs! What a delightful group they were, diving straight in and happily munching away.
Apple sweetened meat, now there's a thought! Having tasted their sausages I definitely want more and for those readers who cringe at the idea, well unless you are totally vegetarian, just give a thought to where your meat comes from. For me at least, rather this than some commercially farmed, speed fattened, ill fed swine meat on a supermarket shelf pork, whose provenance one has no idea of or ... animals that are well fed and truly cared for. Most shoppers are so unaware of where their meat comes from but at least I know that this local meat is well managed and fed on more than the simplest quality feed!
And I know for certain that these animals were well cared for and basically free range!
I guess it's a bit like us drinking early pressed cider. The more you drink (Or as in the wasps case eat) the more sozzled you get! Now, the apples here are falling off the trees faster than one can eat so they were getting gathered in a wheelbarrow ...

along with various other things like weeds, past the use by date bread ... all of which was destined for the compost heap! However ... just down from here, where I borrowed the two ewes there were other eagerly ready recipients willing to eat the produce from this garden.

And I know for certain that these animals were well cared for and basically free range!