Dafad's been penned up a bit in the in-bye, with a cough that could compete with a few other sheep I've heard in the past ... and I thought they sounded rough! Have just started blue loo roll number six (not that I'm counting) Yan-tan-metherer-pestering-wimp! Some of yewes will get my drift with that one. Anyway there's healthier hay munchers in the out bye ... getting muddier by the day as the soggy ground gets churned up by wheel and hoof
The dog was driving me nuts yesterday, so after a trip to the human vet, for me,I drove him up the mountain road for a run. Notice the sugar icing on the tops in the background ... it was a bit nippy but worth it just to get some very fresh air and watch as the greedy lot got more to get their teeth into. Is that a weird looking pair on top or what? Dolly?

But in the midday sun, the ground was turning back to green fast and things were getting even muddier. We didn't stay out for long, but enough time to get a few shots. Now I normally hate con trails in my photos but under a very busy international air route they are hard to avoid, but sometimes they create effects, that really are worth catching on camera ...
Just down and to the left of the above sky, a peaceful pasture in the winter sunlight
And yet further along the road the scene looked almost like a, warm, late summer afternoon.
So folks, thanks for your concern. I've not popped me clogs yet.
As you know, a bit of rarefied mountain air and sun is good medicine for the soul.
Then it was back to the blue roll and a warm indoors.
Dafad! You're alive! Excellent news. Cracking photos of what looks like similar conditions to clarty old Tarset, mud sleighing for Christmas I doubt!