It was one of those days today,trying to get the festive cards written out for the natives ... yes ... I know it's a wee bitty bit late, but better than never. I was doing my best to be festive, whilst outside, there was perpetual pluviality! It rained nearly all day, which kind of spoilt the mood I was trying to induce (despite blue loo roll No 6 as a constant companion). Some people have friends ... mine at the moment is Andrex and no jolly Labrador antics with it. Good job really, my canine companion was fed up enough, making his grumpiness clear. I've never known a dog who can sulk in such an expressive way, with rolling eyes, heavy sighs and collapsing into a resigned heap with a loud "Humph!"
Late afternoon, the sky stopped crying, so we took our chance in the grey overcast light
and drove out for a brief stroll in some local forestry which was dark and dingy. The leaf covered track didn't scrunch, it was very heavily over-soaked, not that the mutt minded at all, there were squirrels to make faces at from his safety beneath the skeletal canopy.
A lovely old beech tree had succumbed to the recent gale force winds, a sad sight, as I had only recently been admiring the huge bracket fungus, which as you can see, is now split in half. The wood, tired and rotten, didn't even smell as freshly split timber should. Then as if by magic the curtains of cloud cleared and light started to permeate the wet forest and acted like a spotlight on the colours which up till then had seemed rust-corroded and drearily dank.

The whole atmosphere changed and the magic transformation didn't stop there ... suddenly the rust had become a bright leaf carpet.
Suddenly it was a joy to walk back as the sun started to set ...the valley sides seemed to become fire bright with glorious, bright red high lights.
What had been grey, miserable, muddy and, well boring, was transforming. And then, as if nature just really wanted to totally show off her changeable abilities today, something really unexpected was strengthening in the west ...
I took loads of photo's. The sky was just changing at speed with grey clouds scudding across the rose gold and duck egg blue. Amazing!
Just as we headed back home, I had to stop for this last chance ...
and to think, had it not been for a coercive collie ... I might very well have missed all this!
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