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An itinerant observer and thinker about life in general, sharing some moments of wandering and wonderment.

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Just yesterday, walking along a gravelled forest track in damp mizzle with a breeze, it seemed really autumnal as the leaves were swirling off the trees and littering the ground.
Today after a light rain front had passed over us it seemed swelteringly summery again.
The lichens on the crumbling stones of a disintegrating wall were looking sun bleached and were hot to touch as we sat for a brief rest overlooking the undulating landscape. Hay fields just harvested were as pale biscuit coloured as the moorland grasses and even the breeze seemed too lazy to cool one down in the heat.
The cloudscape moved slowly over the whole vista as if not wishing to spend extra energy rushing across the sky and butterflies seemed too hot to bother flying  energetically. It was all so quiet.
The cattle that had been moved to the lusher pastures were lazily grazing, slowly moving their way across the ground where the last white flags of the seasons bog cotton could still be seen, though the boggy areas have now dried out quite considerably. All around us it seemed nature was having a lazy afternoon.
There was hardly a sheep to be seen, they were sheltering in the cool forest shade and were too hot to even bother to move as the dog, panting with the heat passed by them.
It was time to head home for cool drinks all round.

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