Well ... the weather forecast tells us that the temperature is due to get colder, so maybe there is a late starting winter around the corner, meanwhile it has been unbelievably mild.
One lovely thing over these last January weeks has been the amazing red skies, morning and night with the winter skeletal trees silhouetted against changing shades of colour.
Around here, trees are not the only skeletal outlines. Now ... I never thought I would ever try to take photographs of pylons, but around here they stomp across the scenery like single file giant soldiers, spoiling the view wherever one looks, but this caught my eye ...
What you can't see from the above is the fact that I was caught in a very sudden rain storm that felt more like hail as the wind swept at great speed across the flat landscape.
The mad mutt closed his ears and tried to hide by my legs and my camera had to be put away safely as I headed back to the car and a change of clothes. But apart from that the weather has been gloriously warm and sunny for this time of year and amongst the many sounds around here like geese and late riveting woodpeckers, I've heard muntjak deer!!