Yesterday after a fairly restful night, the daft but patient dog needed some sort of short walk, so we ventured out into a frost rimmed, yet surprisingly warm ... sunny morning.
The scenery was just lovely, all the hedges and grasses sparkling in the morning sunshine.
A path that leads between some Cupressus Leylandii, (the remains of an old boundary hedge) on what is now just dormant scrub land. There was planning permission here for several new houses but nothing as yet has reached building stage. The tracks are well worn from various local dog troggers, so Ffin was happily reading the latest news on "dog blog". I was concentrating more on what made a good photo opportunity. I was just glad to be out even if only for a very short while. I have got so fed up of being a sneezy, wheezy, snuffly pig stuck indoors.
Our local rugby pitch looked just wonderful, though I bet the lads will be hoping it hasn't got these ground hard conditions come the next Saturday match.
There was no-one else about, so we had all this lovely scenery just to ourselves. Only one thing tends to spoil photability around the village ... lots of overhead wires for telephone lines and electricity. Luckily up here there are just a well tended, frosty pitch and sky.

And beneath the tree, there were all the frost edged fallen leaves ...
Today, all that had melted away and was soggy again after a night of ... yes ... rain again.
Today was mizzly. misty and very much wet. Now, you may remember that over the weekend the battery got recharged for my poor old motor, but recharged battery, did it start? No! It's a good thing I get on well with my garage. Out came the recovery vehicle tonight (in the mizzly rain, after dark) to tow the old dear away. It turns out luckily that the only problem was a corroded connection on the earthing lead to the bodywork.
Phew! I had visualised some other, much more expensive cure like a new starter motor.
Anyway ... with all that's been going on I've been remiss in welcoming two new members to Dafad's Days. So ... hello to Claire Ward ( a fascinating and verasatile artist) and Colin Cheesman (an enthusiastic naturalist) who it seems is now Chief Executive of Herefordshire Nature Trust and also from what I can gather knows my local area well.
I have been so amazed by the response to my blog. It is viewed literally world wide and I know some look at it daily to see the latest wafflings and photography. So thank you all.
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