Well, today, unusually for me the camera (normally my constant companion) didn't get used once. So ... I thought I would go back to some folders of photo's since I've been here ... only to find that some of them are completely missing including the ones of the water buffalo that I mentioned hugging not long after I got here. Some have since had calves which I have not yet seen ... so unless I get down to the reserve and take more photo'ss ... a buffalo blog post will have to wait until another day. So ... I trawled through other folders ...

and came up with a few oddities that don't really link together but that I liked at the time ... like the lichened old wood above that just caught my eye as I walked past it, but then more indoors ... and the giant toy that had the trio in a bit of a state about an intruder in their territory and didn't quite know what to make of it ... even Jilly failed to flirt with it ...
One dead, stuffed toy! Ffin just stood back looking slightly amused as they attacked an obviously non violent toy. In the end it had to get hidden away out of sight, out of mind!
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