It really is a lovely building and the stained glass from the inside is just wonderful, naturally this one caught my eye due to the fact it had ... yes ... sheep in it!
Now that got me feeling a bit as if I was missing something (apart from bits of old teeth) so I headed out with the daft dog and found a footpath through a large area of arable greenery and along an old fen dyke. I needed the fresh air to clear my fuzzy head and the dog needed to have a bit of a swim to clear the dust out of his coat so it was an ideal place to go. He got all excited at the sound of two tractors heading out from the farm, only to find they didn't smell right and didn't stop to have a chat with us like those at home do. We certainly got some odd looks from the drivers though, me in my farmers wellie boots and stick with a merle collie off the lead but well behaved.
Anyways we found a bit of farm machinery, not the usual rusty old stuff that I photograph ...
Then having had his swim in the dyke, we turned along a wooded footpath and found ...
a gate that led to a field full of molehills and a footpath sign leading up the side of said, seemingly empty field. That is until we espied in the distance ... sheep! So ... being in a foreign country, Ffin had to go on the lead and we progressed closer towards the flock so I could identify the breed only to find out they were Texels. Now that really did make me feel a yearning for home but at least they weren't Welsh Mountain sheep, but boy can these Texels jump an electric holding fence ...
They were just leaping over like popcorn jumping out of the pan and into the butter! But at least I had my sheep fix for the time being. As for the mad mutt, was he interested? No!
He had his snout deep down a fresh dug rabbit hole. Nothing for the pot though, sadly.
Anyways we found a bit of farm machinery, not the usual rusty old stuff that I photograph ...
Then having had his swim in the dyke, we turned along a wooded footpath and found ...
a gate that led to a field full of molehills and a footpath sign leading up the side of said, seemingly empty field. That is until we espied in the distance ... sheep! So ... being in a foreign country, Ffin had to go on the lead and we progressed closer towards the flock so I could identify the breed only to find out they were Texels. Now that really did make me feel a yearning for home but at least they weren't Welsh Mountain sheep, but boy can these Texels jump an electric holding fence ...
They were just leaping over like popcorn jumping out of the pan and into the butter! But at least I had my sheep fix for the time being. As for the mad mutt, was he interested? No!
He had his snout deep down a fresh dug rabbit hole. Nothing for the pot though, sadly.
But to cheer me up ... the first celandine I've seen this year. Cheers!
Grey squirrels!!!!! Aargh!!! you can eat them y'know, taste like insipid chicken tho'. Rabbit might be better if you can encourage mad mut