All the sheep were huddling in corners as sheltered as they could find and looking bedraggled and miserable. The cattle are probably grinning in their barns and no doubt feeling bovine superiority to their soaked ovine sufferers.
The last of the beech leaves were getting whisked off the trees at speed, leaving the branches looking very winter bare and the trunks glistening in the weak afternoon light.
I was well wrapped up in a few good layers and a weatherproof coat but there are times I envy the mad mutt ... one coat, no extra socks, just a collar. Get wet, shake off the excess wet, get the boss to towel him down and that's him dressed ready for the next adventure!
In this case it was a wander around the old church yard.
In the barn behind the wall I could smell the warmth of a comfortable barn for cattle.
All the winter feed baled up and wrapped in waterproof plastic ready for the months ahead when we face the prospect of that frozen white stuff expected before lambing time.
The church yard was looking less festive than a week ago and definitely bare and dark.
But just as I was knelt in the wet grass taking the above photograph, a shaft of light ...
transformed the scene before me.
As I looked back at the corner of the churchyard where the dog was snuffling about I saw a really welcome sight ... that moment of extra light caught the colour in the beech leaves
blown into the shelter of the stone wall corner overlooking the Argoed fields and beyond.
But all too quickly another squall threatened so it was back in the car to get home and dry.
We made it back indoors just in time before the cold heavy rain started yet again.
It is almost hard to believe that tomorrow is Chris Moose eve!!
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