<<< like this spiders web. There were so many this morning though most were very difficult to photograph, but they were all hung with droplets of water. some tinier than others. Apart from that there was little worth capturing on camera.
The mist hung low all day but the local bird life was amazingly busy on the feeders and I witnessed a group of about ten long tailed tits voraciously feeding on the fat block, then the next thing I saw was a whole load of greenfinches. Lovely sights.
Later in the day, I went shopping for necessities and then stopped on the way back to give the somewhat fed up collie, a decent run down one of the tracks in the fen landscape.
It was still very dank and heavily misty. Stood by one pylon (which was whirring and making seemingly unsafe sounds) I could not see the next one in the line and the overhead wires just disappeared against the uniform grey background of the sky.
Leafless trees stood out in contrasting skeletal tracery and seemed rather forlorn and sad, surrounded on all sides by tractor rutted, puddle flooded fields. The main dyke at the end of the farm track was as full as I've ever seen it, the water running deep and clear in amongst the biscuit paleness of the dead sedges. So much enticing water the mad mutt just had to dive in, he came out lovely and clean ... only to splash through dark muddy puddles and end up getting filthy all over again before he got back in the car. In the mud were deer hoof prints probably Muntjac but there are also Roe deer here and I could hear pheasants calling but could not see them. The hedgerows were uninspiring photographically; surprisingly very little colour apart from a few rosehips and even fewer cheerfully bright bramble leaves, except for this lovely little group, glistening with heavy mist droplets.
We arrived back, mud splattered but happier for being out and about. As I write, the light night mist is still stubbornly clinging low to the ground and the visibility is still very poor.
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