Well ... yesterday saw our farmers busy once again hay making, the weather had seemed ideal, so they were all out working hard trying to make the most of an opportunity ... then the skies changed and the wind picked up. Talking to one farmer today, a mini tornado swept across a six acre field, lifting up the hay and depositing it in another field. They were lucky, in that they got all their mini bales in as hay ... others had to resort to plastic wrap baling, so some have haylage, some have silage. It all depends on the moisture content of the crop. but looking on the bright side at least there is a crop that can be stored. Just after midnight the rain came in hard with thunder and lightning, it rained all night!
This morning saw us waking to misty, grey skies hiding the sun with a dampness in the air.
When we eventually ventured out just before mid-day one still couldn't see the far horizon and the vegetation had rain water still hanging on the leaves and trees. The moorland rushes were literally dripping with crystalline droplets, resulting in wet knees! But it was worth the damp patches on the jeans as we discovered some interesting things ...

I am absolutely intrigued by these amazing constructions only a few inches long. Some using wind blown leaves caught on the spikes of the rushes, others obviously spun from scratch ... but by what? It is a mystery to me and one I hope to resolve. Meanwhile, it seems to me that whatever the insects that create these structures are opportunistic. It's a case of chance ... a windblown leaf gets spiked on a rush stem ...
and then a small, web like structure is formed and somehow ... the leaf is rolled and folded in, to form a very protective, safely encapsulated home for the duration ...
If anyone out there is an etymologist with answers ... please add your comments on this post ... I really would appreciate your help with identification.
Meanwhile, there were bigger beasts looking questioningly at us and what beasts ...
These rather beautiful cattle appeared out of the mist intrigued by our passing by ...
or more accurately ... curious about the daft dog who seemed not to notice them.
We went on our way heading towards the pub and the latest update of local news.
Meanwhile, as I write now, we are shortly due the Olympian finale as London prepares to say goodnight to two weeks of sporting drama.
Personally. I'm looking forward to the para-Olympian section of the games.
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