Yep this is the last day of looking after the free ranging flock of chooks. Popcorn >>>
the rooster who started this all off, was rescued off the mountain and is now in his element, almost. He has been challenged by younger siblings and struggles, despite his size to be cock of the roost. He grabs whatever chance he can to dine alone, but what an amazing background to forage in.

Meanwhile, safe in one of the rabbit runs, the mam and her chicks are enjoying the fresh air in safe space and taking a chance to have a good groom in the sunshine, getting rid of all the dust of the day after a good feed, though the third little one looks rather bemused by it all. Their flight feathers have really started to grow now and there is much flexing and stretching as they practise for the day they are allowed out with the rest of the flock.
The others free range around the old churchyard and the garden enjoying exploring all the corners. Look carefully there are actually four birds in the above photograph and who is in the foreground? Yes Earrings! I saw the look on her face as I was knelt with the camera and just knew what she would do ... yep ... a very fast run across the garden and the little opportunist was guess where ...

making the most of my lapse in concentration, the little grain grabber was feasting on top of the brand new sack of mixed corn. It's amazing she's not a fat little bantam. I also managed to finally capture a photo (not very good) of the cute little bunny that growl and attacks me at the slightest opportunity and has drawn my blood more than once this week. And for those Monty Python fans, it's name really is Monty. I was lucky to get the camera out of the way of it's anti photo opportunity attack. So, it's been an interesting week. Now it's just back to me and the daft dog who, strangely enough, smells like a hen house, so he's going swimming and I'm going for a long soak in the bath.
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