Yo! Dafad is back with visuals but with a lot to catch up on for various reasons. Having had to sort out an MOT for the car, after ... loss of wallet with cards and cash ... i.e mega hassle sorting everything out and having had some horrible bug that has left me feeling a bit below par to say the least and ...
<<< as you can see somewhat fed up with the last few weeks.
Meanwhile the rainy days have turned into hot sunny dry ones. The sudden change as the earth has warmed up has been quite amazing. The wellies are no longer daily footwear but there are still lots of watery puddles to be avoided by me, if not the dog who insists on getting as wet and muddy as he can. Yesterday he went swimming in a recently renewed pond and having dived into heaps of last years sun dried beech leaves, returned smelling less grunge scented.
Meanwhile the beech trees are donning their new greenery and their branches are filled with the sounds of excited bird chatter as beneath their fresh green canopies the lambs are bouncing about exploring their brave new world with all the excitement of the young & youthfully adventurous bounciness. The rams, their job for the year done are resting ...
They seem to look on as if saying ... "The youth of today!" just like any old men in the pub who remember their youth as something better than these modern lot. Meanwhile concerned ewes look are on alert ... wondering what a young, curious lamb is up to ...

but that lamb is watching me ... who ... is taking photographs of more fascinating things .... such as this buttercup. Over the last few years I have been interested in buttercup petal numbers. The standard petal count is five ... but count these ...
Yes .. eight petals ... I have also found plants with eighteen petals and hopefully later in the year I will be able to capture for you photographs of these multiple petalled oddities. It comes to something when one goes around counting petals of buttercups but apparently it shows the (possible) age of farm managed fields. Will keep you posted.
Meanwhile the beech trees are donning their new greenery and their branches are filled with the sounds of excited bird chatter as beneath their fresh green canopies the lambs are bouncing about exploring their brave new world with all the excitement of the young & youthfully adventurous bounciness. The rams, their job for the year done are resting ...

Yes .. eight petals ... I have also found plants with eighteen petals and hopefully later in the year I will be able to capture for you photographs of these multiple petalled oddities. It comes to something when one goes around counting petals of buttercups but apparently it shows the (possible) age of farm managed fields. Will keep you posted.
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