Often heard are statements about the British constantly talking about the weather, now I can't dispute this, because we do, especially us country folk or those involved in farming be it arable or livestock, after all it's important to us. I feel sure that for farmers around the world, the weather must get discussed very often too. So, I wish to hear comments from anyone around the globe (and I know from my stats, that this blog is read across the planet) so it would be interesting to myself and my readers to hear from any of you how important and if you constantly discuss local weather wherever you live?
Take today here ... with sheep peacefully grazing in mainly green sunny pastures but the
cattle starting to lie down ... an old country saying is that this is a sign of rain to come.
Looking westwards, all bathed in bright light, highlighting the white of the grazing sheep. It all seemed be contrary to old folk lore. All around, a 360 panorama of peaceful scenes.
Gazing out across the grazing to the east, the valley looked almost summery, bar the bare beech trees. As we stood there it all seemed to be peaceful. The dog was enjoying sniffing the scents of the newly penned sheep ...

but as you can see a front was heading towards us. Looking westwards again and the sheets of rain could clearly be seen ... heading our way from the west, a two front attack! A good job I had my water proofs on, within just a few minutes ... I was dripping wet.

Only minutes earlier I had taken a photo of these newly opening Sitka Spruce buds, but as I passed them on my way back to the warmth of the pub, they were soaking too.
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