And what a lovely way to start the last day of November, with bright sun, clear skies and sou-wester sea breezes. Remember those old, heavy, bright yellow oilskins? No I wasn't wearing them! It was just a light fleece wearing morning, unlike yesterday: but I could actually taste the saltiness of the air today as we meandered along the old wall ...
and where there are fields around here, there are invariably sheep ...
quietly munching away, or having a bask in the lovely warmth of morning sunshine.
until someone comes along to shake up the scene
Carrying along the boundary line, I noticed several old telegraph poles that had been cut down to size, to make sturdy fence posts. In the field below, is the only area around here that I have seen bog cotton blooming, the delicate white heads looking like sheep wool.
It is also land belonging to the farm where Ffin was born, on Good Friday 2007.

as he headed off down the field. But if you look carefully at the photo, his legs seem a bit wobbly, now that is either a swaggering show off, or he is just plain "tupped out".

There were a few surprises in store for us today, two young Parasol Mushrooms...
and masses of Blewits, I arranged one cap-side up for the colouration contrast.
Here's another contrast, tiny lichened stones, each about the size of a one pound coin.
But as if I needed reminding that the month of seasonal festivities starts tomorrow ...
Beautifully, heavily berried holly, blazing brightly in the warm sunshine!
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